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All Details & GPS Waypoint

White Coomb 821.6m (2695ft)

Summit Feature: Cairn. (Survey: obvious summit/Leica RX1250)
Classification: 500, Bishop, Corbett, County-tops-administrative, County-tops-historic, Donald, Docharty, Hump, LRT, Marilyn, Separate, Simm, P30 Tump, Yeaman.
OS Grid Ref: NT163150 (10 figure Grid Ref: NT1631915095).
UK Area: 28 - The River Tweed to the English Border (OS Maps 1:50k 79. 1:25k 330.)
Latitude: 55.42259, Longitude: -3.32365, Height: 821.6 metres (2695 feet)
Prominence: 375 metres (1230 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0822.C (DoBIH Hill ID: 1832)

Associated Child Hill(s):
   Cape Law (722m, p93);    Carrifran Gans (757m, p42);    Craig Law (514m, p60);    Craigdilly (586m, p90);    Crumley Hill (557m, p21);    Erie Hill (690m, p92);    Firthhope Rig (801m, p25);    Firthybrig Head (766m, p9);    Garelet Dod (698m, p126);    Gool Knowe (524m, p22);    Great Hill (775m, p28);    Lochcraig Head (801m, p108);    Mid Craig (728m, p20);    Molls Cleuch Dod (785m, p39);    Muckle Knees (588m, p75);    Muckle Knowe (466m, p30);    Oxcleugh Rig (518m, p37);    Paper Hill (577m, p98);    Shielhope Hill (539m, p21);    Syart Law (517m, p42);    The Rig (423m, p45);    Under Saddle Yoke (745m, p128);    Upper Tarnberry (552m, p20);    Watch Knowe (605m, p78);    Watch Law (521m, p26);

External Links for White Coomb:
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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Member's Comments on White Coomb...

  • WayneMac01 says...
  • From the Grey Mares Tail CP along path by Tail Burn to Loch Skeen. Skirted the loch to the R to the wall and ascended Lochcraig Head and then onto Firthybrig Head. Then headed to Firthope Rig, White Coomb and Upper Tarnberry on 24/04/21
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White Coomb has been climbed by...

Adrian Cunliffe agentmancuso alan caine alanayr albertrichardson Alex Thomson alexmaclennan Andrew Brown AndrewFinnimore andys anne3366 Anton assynt_bob Barry Smith beckybags Beeliner belfarm Ben BigJ BigPinno Bill Outdoors Bisquitine Capt Malbec captainslow Carole carolje cfw58 Chalky1953 chazzyboy19 Chewie6786422 Chris Mac Chris Pearson Chris Upson cjo Colin Crawford Conrad craigmartin Cranstackie Crumblie2 cuillin Dangerous Dave DanTrig Dave McG Denise Des Taylor Dolorespearl doug46 drjohnyoung Dugswell2 Ellanyorn ER Scott ezil FarSide fergie Fife Walking Flip frank mc gallowaybob GeoffC GeorgeH Georgie geralddavison gerrybowes gibbo gigha gillybbm Gman45 GordonAdshead grahamn Hbomb HillmanImp Hillyj hils hmarston HochMcGandy iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines iangpark iwc Jamie Jane T Jaxter Jim.Fothergill jim1876 JimH jimp johnevenden JohnM jonesy jonglew JSB jscotthills Katrina89 Kaye.c Keith Allen KennyB Kilwinning Rab Laurence Lindsay M lolsmit lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt MacAoidh malky_c malky_c2 ManofKernow Margaret markg midgebait Moacky Moore100 Mosmart Muckletooner N.Morters ngthack Nick Down nigelcorbetts nordicstar NormanW oakesave oscarben PeterTennant PGCE pigeon PM rhayader_wanderer rhw Ribbit49 RichTea RobB robertphillips rockdoctor rogreeves Rowan.Chesmer russell61 russell63 Rusty sammoore Sandman sclater shaun3010 shm1 Sick Kid skyegabbro Slappy spindrift Sprog steve glasper stevedixon stevent0809 stravaiger2011 thekirkie pirate thenomad Tonester Topaz trimarc2 tundraboy tuxer Tweeg twiggymate vegibagger vkmmp WayneMac01 weaselmaster Wycombe Wanderer xslawekx yt Zilly


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