Wholehope Knowe 443m (1453ft)
Classification: Cheviot99, Minor-prominence.
OS Grid Ref: NT897096 This data is currently only accurate to a 6 figure grid reference (c.a 100m).
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UK Area: 33 - The Scottish Border to the River Tyne (OS Maps )
Latitude: 55.38027, Longitude: -2.16409, Height: 443 metres (1453 feet)
Prominence: 10 metres (33 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0443.- (Hill ID: 505784)
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
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- '0443.-' NT897096* Wholehope Knowe (443m, p10)
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Wholehope Knowe's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Copper Snout (0.6km)Saugh Rigg (1.2km)Uplaw Knowe (1.7km)The Knocks (2.0km)Sneer Hill South Top (2.1km)Inner Hill (2.1km)Uplaw Knowe SE Top (2.3km)Hosden Law (2.7km)Cross Dyke (2.7km)Through Hill (3.4km)
Wholehope Knowe has been climbed by...
Adrian ADuke carolje Davvi Georgie Hbomb jessica.davison kas78 Michael Windle Robert Thomson Robopog Ron SteveRobbo Walker Dan
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