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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Torr a’ Choiltreich 117m (384ft)

Classification: Hill Trigpoint, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: NH369075 (10 figure Grid Ref: NH3692107554).
The original GR data for this hill was only accurate to a 6 figure grid reference (c.a 100m).
We have used additional user / trigpoint data to bring it up to 10 figures.

UK Area: 09 - Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath (OS Maps 1:50k 34. 1:25k 400.)
Latitude: 57.12988, Longitude: -4.69586, Height: 117 metres (384 feet)
Prominence: 61 metres (200 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0117.- (DoBIH Hill ID: 8631)

Associated Trigpoint:
  TP5956 'Torr A Choiltreich / Great Glen Project Station J' Grid Ref: NH3692107554 Separation: 58m from Hill grid ref.

External Links for Torr a’ Choiltreich:
-GeoHack link... -OS Map Bing link... -Google Map link... -Geograph link... -Torr a’ Choiltreich on -Torr A Choiltreich / Great Glen Project Station J on

Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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Torr a' Choiltreich List & GPS Waypoints:

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  • '0117.-' NH369075 Torr a’ Choiltreich (117m, p61)

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Torr a’ Choiltreich's Nearby Routes...

Great Glen Way - Scotland (bobwwalker)


Torr a’ Choiltreich has been climbed by...

alan caine BigJ Carole Chalky1953 clochandighter craftinessa Dave McG Gordex1 Highlandy Jim Mount jonglew rhw robertphillips SpidyM srichy20 swampysean Walker Dan


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