Mòruisg 925.7m (3037ft)
Summit Feature: Cairn. Note: tiny cairn 120m NE at NH 10185 50022 is of similar height: large cairn 315m NE at NH 10292 50191 is at least 2m lower. (Survey: Abney level/Leica RX1250)
Classification: 500, Bishop, High-hill, Hump, Munro, Marilyn, Murdo, Separate, Simm, P30 Tump, Yeaman.
OS Grid Ref: NH101499 (10 figure Grid Ref: NH1011449939).
UK Area: 12 - Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve (OS Maps 1:50k 25. 1:25k 429,430.)
Latitude: 57.49971, Longitude: -5.17063, Height: 925.7 metres (3037 feet)
Prominence: 592 metres (1942 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0926.M (DoBIH Hill ID: 899)
Associated Child Hill(s):
Carn Gorm (873m, p86); Carn Gorm East Top (713m, p24); Cnoc an t-Sithein (373m, p66); Cnoc na Moine (598m, p21); Creag na h-Iolaire (578m, p35); Creag Sgiathan (699m, p131); Moruisg East Top (873m, p68); Moruisg Far East Top (851m, p61); Toll a' Ghobhain (826m, p33);
External Links for Moruisg:
-Mòruisg Wikipedia link...
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-Mòruisg on hill-bagging.co.uk...
Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey
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- '0926.M' NH101499 Moruisg (926m, p592)
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Moruisg's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Moruisg East Top (1.1km)Moruisg Far East Top (1.9km)Sgurr nan Ceannaichean (2.3km)Toll a' Ghobhain (2.4km)Cnoc na Moine (2.5km)Meall an Fhliuchaird (3.4km)Carn Gorm (3.4km)Beinn na Feusaige (4.4km)Creag Dhubh Mhor (4.6km)Fuar-tholl Mor (4.7km)
Moruisg has been climbed by...
adampotter Adnan Khan Adrian Cunliffe alanayr alastair.g.ewen@gmai alastairtyson Alex Thomson alexmaclennan Andrew Brown AndrewFinnimore andy g Andy Joynson andyd andys assynt_bob bagger14 Barry Smith belfarm BigJ BigPinno bill gray Bill Outdoors bobaffleck1 Bonzer Brian Carson Capt Malbec CAPTAINCAVEBEAR Carole Caroline G carolje cfw58 Chalky1953 chazzyboy19 Chewie6786422 Chris Amber Chris Pearson Chris Upson chriswatson cjo Coisiche Colin Crawford Conrad craigmartin Cranstackie Crumblie2 cuillin dan Dangerous Dave Dave McG David Bremner DeanSheep Denise dilbert dobben57 doc Dolorespearl drjohnyoung Dugswell2 ezil fergie ffloss Fife Walking Flip garymacfarlane GeorgeH Georgie geralddavison gerrybowes gigha Gman45 Gordex1 GordonAdshead grahamn harryd HillmanImp Hillstoclimb hils hmarston HochMcGandy iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines IFGMac jamesmichaelforrest Jane T Jaxter jaybee jeskynar jesslp123 Jim.Fothergill jim1876 JimH jimp johanz85 johnevenden JohnM JohnRC johnxzz Jonny Green JSB jscotthills j_parry Kaye.c Keith Allen KennyB KevPalmer Kilwinning Rab Kubicki lance Les Arcs Lindsay M Lochan lorettocourt MacAoidh MacD Mal Grey malky_c malky_c2 Margaret mcarey61 Minto miss munro Moacky Mosmart Munroman1953 N.Morters nealel04 nellydean ngthack nick canute Nick Down nkmcmanus No690 nordicstar Norm45 NormanW oakesave oscarben Peakbagger Peebs peter1 PeterD PeterTennant PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) phoebesleath pigeon Polly and Jim PrimulaScotica rhalstead rhw Ribbit49 RichTea rinnes RobB robertphillips rockdoctor roger rogreeves roryr_32 Rosalind Rum doodle russell61 russell63 SALLYJIM sammoore sandman sclater scoob999 Sick Kid skyegabbro sleeplander Sprog Squirrelly Nutcase steve glasper Steve S Suilven731m Summerace tarmachan The Rover Theladdie thenomad tony Topaz Tundraboy Tweeg vegibagger walking scotland weaselmaster winerwalker Wycombe Wanderer Wyvis xslawekx Zilly
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