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GPX Walking Routes

Glen Feshie Munros 

This a track log of a circuit over the Glen Feshie Munros. Start point is car at the end of public road in Glen Feshie. Distance 30k, ascent approx 1300m, time 9hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Glen Turret 

This is a track log of a high level circuit around Glen Turret taking in Auchnafree Hill [Corbet], Ben Chonzie [Munro] and returning over Carn Chois. Start point is car park just below dam in Glen Turret. Distance 20k, ascent approx 1300m, time under 7hrs. Note walk done during winter, so peat bogs between Choinneachain and Auchnafree Hill were well frozen, if this is not the case it would be easier to stick to the high level landrover track between the two hills.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Beinn Mhanach 

This is a track log of an ascent of Munro Beinn Mhanach, it includes a traverse of Beinn a' Chuirn via its steep west face. The return taking in the Corbets Beinn nam Fuaran and Beinn a' Chaisteil. Start point is at the access to Auch Farm where there is some limited verged parking on the A82. Distance approx 24k, ascent 1770m, time under 9hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.


This is a track log of a West to East traverse of this prominent and popular central highland Munro. Start point at Braes of Foss car park, from there cycle west along the road as far as East Tempar farm. Take to the Land rover track that heads south and skirts round the west side of Schiehallion. Once above 500m strike east up the steepening west ridge of Schiehallion, deep heather initially but a faint path appears once above 800m or so. From the summit head east along the rocky ridge to pick up the new path that leads back to the Braes of Foss car park. Distance 17k [7k on bike], ascent approx 1000m, time 4 hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Linn of Quoich 

This is a track log of a walk over Beinn Bhreac, Beinn a'Bhuird and Ben Avon from Linn of Quoich near Braemar. Distance 40 k, ascent approx 1450m , time 11hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Ben Macdui 

There are numerous permutations of Munros that can be tackled from Linn of Dee near Braemar. This track log is a walk into Ben Macdui with the return via Derry Cairngorm. Route starts at the car park at Linn of Dee and mountain bike used as far as Derry Lodge. Distance 31k [12k on bike], ascent 1400 m, time approx 8 hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Glen Derry 

There are numerous permutations of Munros that can be tackled from Linn of Dee near Braemar. This track log is a walk up Glen Derry that took in the summits of Beinn a'Chaorain, Beinn Mheadhoin before returning back over Derry Cairngorm. Route starts at the car park at Linn of Dee and mountain bike used as far as Derry Lodge. Distance 34k [12k on bike], ascent 1570m, time approx 9 hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Carn na Saobhaidhe 

This is a bike & hike track log to the remote, and rather featureless, Corbet of Carn na Saobhaidhe in the Monadhliath range. Start point is at the end of the public road in Strathdearn, where there is a reasonably sized car park. From there it is a fairly easy cycle up the Glen, on good estate roads, until just past the Dalbeg cottage. Take the land rover track that heads west up the hill almost to the 700m contour [it would be possible to take a mountain bike the full length of this track if you don't mind a bit of pushing on the way up]. The last few Km to the featureless summit dome are a bit of a slog through bog and peat hags no matter what route you choose. There is a small cairn on the summit that could be tricky to find in very low visibility. [there is also a new bulldozed track that comes in from the NE which goes almost to the summit - if you find it the summit is not far away] Distance approx 29k [16 by bike] . Ascent 600m, Time just over 5 hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Bridge of Orchy Munros 

This is a track log of a SW to NE traverse of the 4 Bridge of Orchy Munros. Start point is at Achallader farm where there is a large car park near the old ruined tower. From there it is a 10K cycle down to the south side of Beinn Dorain, initially on the A82, transfering to the old Military road at Bridge of Orchy [Part of the West Highland way - certainly felt a lot safer cycling down this than on the A82] Access to the South ridge of Beinn Dorain involves a crossing of the Railway line [there are a few underpasses if you do not fancy having to scale the barbed wire fence either side of the rail line] The grassy south slope of Beinn Dorain is fairly steep but the gradient eases off once above 600m, from here it is a pleasent walk to the summit. There are a few crags and boulder fields near the summit but no technical difficulties. From the summit of Beinn Dorain follow the well worn path north down to the col and then up to Beinn an Dothaidh. From the summit of Beinn an Dothaidh go over the 993m top and down the east ridge to the col above Coire Daingean. From here pick up the faint path that goes over Beinn Achaladair and onto Beainn a'Chreachain. Apart from a short steep section on the east side of Beinn Achaladair it is a fine high level ridge walk with good views over Rannoch Moor. From the summit of Beinn a'Chreachain go down the NE ridge and drop down into Coire an Lochain. There is a rather muddy waymarked path down the west side of the Allt Coire an Lochain and through the Crannach woods which eventually joins a landrover track leading back to the start point. Distance approx 34K [10K on bike]. 2030m of ascent . Time just on 10hrs
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

Sgurr nan Ceathreamhan 

This is a bike and hike track log of a traverse of Mullach na Dheiragain and Sgurr nan Ceathreamhan from the west. Start point is at the end of the public road near Killilan. From there access up Glen Elchaig by bike as far as Carnach [First few miles of estate road is tarred] Continue on foot up the Glen as far as Iron Lodge [Sounds grand but just a little cottage] and then head East up the landrover track. Once up onto Mullach na Dheiragain it is a fine high level ridge walk over Sgurr nan Ceathreamhan and back to Carnach. Distance 44k [22k by bike], ascent 1900m, approx 11hrs.
Owner:  gigha, Type: route/track, Area: Scotland.

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