Beneraird 439m (1440ft)
Summit Feature: No feature 2m E of trig point. (Survey: obvious summit)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, Befour, Britfour, Hump, Marilyn, SuperSummit, P30 Tump, Yeaman.
OS Grid Ref: NX135785 (10 figure Grid Ref: NX1354378516).
UK Area: 27 - Carrick and Galloway (OS Maps 1:50k 76. 1:25k 317.)
Latitude: 55.06601, Longitude: -4.92148, Height: 439 metres (1440 feet)
Prominence: 307 metres (1007 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0439.P (DoBIH Hill ID: 1725)
Associated Trigpoint:
TP0565 'Beneraird' Grid Ref: NX1354378516 Separation: 0m from Hill grid ref.
Associated Child Hill(s):
Artfield Fell (272m, p100); Balmurrie Fell (248m, p52); Barlockhart Fell (126m, p55); Barr Hill (138m, p62); Barr Hill (105m, p62); Barraer Fell (123m, p56); Barskeoch Fell (177m, p56); Barskeoch Hill (108m, p40); Benbrake Hill (312m, p59); Bennan of Kirkcalla (169m, p46); Big Craigenlee (270m, p36); Big Fell (316m, p54); Boreland Fell (90m, p32); Braid Fell (235m, p38); Broom Hill (48m, p31); Bught Fell (205m, p70); Cairn Hill of the Moil (291m, p30); Camp Hill (107m, p32); Carlock Hill (322m, p148); Carscreugh Fell (171m, p50); Challoch Hill (148m, p36); Craig Fell (165m, p51); Craigairie Fell (Craig Airie Fell) (321m, p109); Craigbirnoch Fell (192m, p36); Craigeach Fell (131m, p45); Craigenveoch Fell (126m, p38); Craiglarie Fell (119m, p28); Craignarget Hill (126m, p32); Cruise Back Fell (133m, p37); Culvennan Fell (215m, p111); Derry Hill (118m, p41); Doon Hill (79m, p34); Downan Hill (106m, p36); Drumpail Fell (174m, p30); Dupin Hill (273m, p37); Eggerness Hill (49m, p30); Eldrig Fell (227m, p52); Far Cairn (296m, p54); Fell Hill (153m, p46); Fell of Barhullion (137m, p66); Fell of Carleton (146m, p97); Gallow Hill (70m, p32); Garmill (141m, p33); Glassoch Fell (151m, p42); Gleniron Fell (192m, p34); Glenvogie Fell (116m, p32); Green Benan (308m, p45); Grey Hill (131m, p40); Hawk Hill (71m, p31); High Murdonochee (276m, p35); Hill of Glasserton (123m, p31); Hill of Ochiltree (184m, p18); Kilmoray (423m, p42); Kiln Hill (106m, p29); Kirvennie Hill (81m, p38); Knock Fell (175m, p86); Knockdhu (230m, p79); Knockeffrick Hill (91m, p47); Larig Fell (195m, p31); Leakin Hill (79m, p36); Lenrohmas Hill (83m, p29); Macneilie Hill (62m, p35); Mid Moile (258m, p43); Milljoan Hill (403m, p96); Milton Fell (127m, p48); Mochrum Fell (197m, p114); Mull of Sinniness (76m, p32); Penderry Hill (311m, p59); Sallochan Hill (107m, p43); Smyrton Hill (373m, p61); Stab Hill (221m, p36); Top of the Fell (185m, p72); Urrall Fell (184m, p48); White Fell (286m, p45); Windy Hill (60m, p36); Wood Hill (52m, p31);
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- '0439.P' NX135785 Beneraird (439m, p307)
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Beneraird's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Kilmoray (1.3km)Smyrton Hill (1.8km)Big Fell (2.0km)Milljoan Hill (2.8km)Cairn Hill of the Moil (3.7km)High Murdonochee (4.9km)Carlock Hill (5.1km)Knockdhu (5.2km)Dupin Hill (5.3km)Green Benan (6.2km)
Beneraird has been climbed by...
agentmancuso alanayr Alex C AndrewFinnimore andys assynt_bob Carole Chalky1953 chriswatson clochandighter Colin Crawford Crumblie2 Dangerous Dave Dave McG Dugswell2 edgradwell Fergus4paws gerrybowes GordonAdshead HochMcGandy iaindbrown IainT Jim.Fothergill JimH Johnbhoy1888 jonglew Katrina89 KennyB Lindsay M ManofKernow Minto N.Morters nordicstar NormanW oakesave oscarben PGCE PM rhw RichTea robertphillips SteveG tundraboy
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