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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Bram Rigg Top 672m (2205ft)

Summit Feature: No feature. Note: a single stone 10m WSW at SD 66824 96458 is 0.19m lower. (Survey: Leica NA730)
Classification: Bridge, Buxton-lewis, Docharty, Falkingham, Marsh, Minor-prominence, Moss, Moss2000, Sub-nuttall, Sub-raistrick, Wright, Del-nuttall, YoMP.
OS Grid Ref: SD668964 (10 figure Grid Ref: SD6683596462).
UK Area: 35 - The Northern Pennines (OS Maps 1:50k 98. 1:25k OL19S.)
Latitude: 54.3626, Longitude: -2.5119, Height: 672 metres (2205 feet)
Prominence: 14.7 metres (48 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0672.+ (DoBIH Hill ID: 2739)

External Links for Bram Rigg Top:
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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  • '0672.+' SD668964 Bram Rigg Top (672m, p14.7)

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adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe agentmancuso alan caine amblerbob Andrew Brown andyritchie999 andys Anton arc73 areelle Argentum66 beckybags bern bramley Brunshaw Carole carolje Chalky1953 Chris Pearson chrisd101 ChrisInTheNorth chriswatson citygent cjo clivenme Colfeaton Colin Crawford dan Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 dave.farrant DaveS david gradwell Denise Des Taylor Dugswell2 edgradwell Ericthewanderer fitzydan GeoffC Georgie gerrybowes gibbo Gina Gman45 godspeedjon77 GordonAdshead greyhaze grumpytyke hillbasher HillmanImp HochMcGandy Houghy Howie iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines Idris iwardle iwc J&C jaks jan/steve Jane T Jim.Fothergill jimgrant500 JohnC johnpat jonglew jospee JSB kjmcdon1 Lindsay M Liz_N lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt malky_c Margaret midgebait MikeG moorsman Nettle Graves ngthack Nick Down Nick Wakelam ninthace nordicstar oakesave oscarben osian outlawcatcher OwainG painterman Pat1967 Peebs PeteBoggs Peter Smith PeterD PGCE Phil Newby Phil Newby (2nd) PhilClayton Philip Rhayader PJ Yue polly psychocrawler rb rfbirch01 rhalstead rhayader_wanderer Rhino48 rhw rhys thomas Rich1 RichTea ROB PEN Y GARN rob77 RobB robertphillips RobMor rockdoctor Ronald Ronnie Bowron Rusty SEAN WANNOP SeanyG shaun3010 slateloose snaithd staton75 steve&gill stevedixon stevent0809 stravaiger2011 Summiteer summitsup supersaint Ted Richards thenomad thetills tomrobson TonyRog Tykee underhill wardlinney wayne23 WayneMac01 Wycombe Wanderer yt Zara


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