Sgùrr a’ Chlaidheimh West Top 837.5m (2747ft)
Summit Feature: Cairn. Note: northerly of 2 knolls either side of path. (Survey: Abney level/Leica RX1250)
Classification: Bishop, Corbett-tops-all, Corbett-tops-corbett, Docharty, Simm, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: NG941035 (10 figure Grid Ref: NG9417803576).
UK Area: 10 - Knoydart to Glen Kingie (OS Maps 1:50k 33. 1:25k 414S.)
Latitude: 57.07704, Longitude: -5.39749, Height: 837.5 metres (2747 feet)
Prominence: 84.9 metres (279 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0838.- (DoBIH Hill ID: 3190)
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- '0838.-' NG941035 Sgurr a’ Chlaidheimh West Top (838m, p84.9)
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Sgurr a’ Chlaidheimh West Top has been climbed by...
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