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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Mam Tor 517m (1696ft)

Summit Feature: Cobbled ground 3m NW of trig point. Note: all ground on summit is man-made. (Survey: obvious summit)
Classification: Hill Trigpoint, Dodd, Deacon, Dewey, Ethel, Peak-district-75, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: SK127836 (10 figure Grid Ref: SK1276883612).
UK Area: 36 - Lancashire, Cheshire & the Southern Pennines (OS Maps 1:50k 110. 1:25k OL1E,OL1W.)
Latitude: 53.34926, Longitude: -1.80967, Height: 517 metres (1696 feet)
Prominence: 62 metres (203 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0517.- (DoBIH Hill ID: 3641)

Associated Trigpoint:
  TP3971 'Mam Tor' Grid Ref: SK1276983612 Separation: 1m from Hill grid ref.

External Links for Mam Tor:
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Selected mapping: Google or Bing / Ordnance Survey

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Member's Comments on Mam Tor...

  • Nick Wakelam says...
  • Doing the BWF Caverns & Peaks permanent trail (13km) Great Ridge to Hope; river to Castleton and back up Winnats Pass. Very windy along ridge; but rainbows made the showers bearable.
  • Summiteer says...
  • Recorded as visiting this in 1990, but I think that was just when I noted down the Trig Point number, because I must have been there over a dozen times prior to that, going back to the 70s. One of the most accessible hills over 500 metres in the UK. Which is why it's usually packed with people on most summer days, and many winter weekends. Definitely not a hill for those seeking solitude. Having said that it is one of the Seven Wonders of Derbyshire, the Shivering Mountain, so called for the frequent landslips on it's eastern face. And was also claimed by the head of the National Trust, to be one of the top 10 viewpoints in England.
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2planks 3KFooter adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe afellrunner aims87c alan caine Alex C Alexhew Amanda Amanda & Simon amblerbob Andrew Beavers Andrew Brown andrewcoles andyb2706 AndyKDQ andys Andy_M Anton arc73 Archie archiebald7 areelle Areluctant-triggeR Argentum66 arrans BadNewsWalking Barry Smith beckybags Beeliner Beerdave bern bigalga1 Bill Outdoors bob156123 bobwwalker bramley Brit_97 brooli Brunshaw Bugabloo BUSPASS campbell3646 captainslow Carole carolje carolml casasuzy Chalky1953 charlesc Chelseadoughty Cheshire Claret Chicki CHRIS D SMITH Chris Pearson CHRIS SMITH chrisbrearley chrisd101 christiancityfan chriswatson CHUBT0007 citygent cjo ckyliu clivetemple clochandighter cmp1951 Cobblers Col Colin Crawford cpjmathieson Craftinessa cuddlyculshaw D1e9a7n8o dan dancingqueen101 Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 danMaisiebex DanTrig darkpeak14 Darren Wint darren-mountains Dave Hall dave-harris DaveJones DaveS David David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw David Sadler dazedemon DeeGee Denise Des Taylor designrob desperate dan Dipstickk DirtbagRunnersE&W djaphoto dragon2 dubmill Dugswell2 Earby Rambler edgradwell emmatabitha ESharratt extech73 FailedTheTuringTest fatbloketrieshikingo Fazsim Fellrunner61 Findo Gask fitzydan flipperfeet Foelbach Frickley Man Furth GavinBonsall gedc GeoffC GeoRams georgedliston gerrybowes gevo Gherardir gibbo Gimgamgoolie glynspencer GordonAdshead gouldinj GPH1011 Graham1950 GrandeQueso greg_may_ Griefmiester Griggsy Grizzly.Adventures Helen C HenryHooverOnTour hepmh7361 hillybilly Hippster hmarston Houghy hypermuse IainT IainT2 Ian Baines inbred71 Ingy13879 IsaacP itchy-trigger-finder iwardle iwc jackfowler Jacqdaw jade Jakespeare jaks Jane S Jane T Jenimac07 Jim.Fothergill jimgrant500 Jimmy Doughnut jimp JK jnixon JoanneS joelrobinson27 JohnC Johnny2503 jonglew jospee jparussell JSB jules963 Kallum B Karen Nash kazlou Keith Allen kel-smith Kevgbl KevPalmer KJB Knoutberry Laura-Doling lazeedaydream Lennylee Linda Hinton liz m Liz_N lomy lonesome_cowboy_burt loradorasmith lorettocourt lukedavidwillem Lumpygravy lynn Lyonheart mad max MadMcDade Mal Grey manilena mapbs markbarrett1976 Markyp00s Martin Whiteley marting maschr Matt murphy Megan123 Melissa2521 MenhirWanderer mike7mike misskayanne MOCKINGBIRDMEDIAUK moorsman Mossylea mountain goat msutcliffe N.Morters Neil NEWSMITHY ngthack Nia Bellis-jones Nick Down Nick Wakelam nickwoffenden Nigel Moscardini nmcfarlane nordicstar oakesave ogirl Old Bald Man Oscar7 outdoormarie outlawcatcher OwainG PadyLoki painterman Paul Boothroyd Paulf84 peakdistrict PeteBoggs PeteMatthews Peter theTrig Hunter PeterD PGCE Phil Newby philandtheresa PhilB Pip Edwards PM polly poppypj Pritch227 PShrub psychocrawler Ray.w rdcawkwell Red Beard rediologist RedmondG rhalstead Rhino48 rhw Rhys Thomas Richard Gunn Richie.Iddon1969 Ripleyman Rob&Ru rob77 robertogario rocie rogg23 Romanaround RoMeR ronlayters Ronnie Bowron Rusty RyanTW SamAndSnoop sammoore sandman scaffade sclater seany SeanyG sharr72015 shaun3010 Shellian SimonW SJD sje94 skldenton slateloose Smeg Smigguel snaithd Snowdon srichy20 staton75 Stephhughes88 Steve S stevedixon stevensreeves stevent0809 steverowland Stevetrig stuartcox52 stuvicks Summiteer summitsup supersaint supertrampz Swampysean Symon1p Taff teamworkluke tgrs The RockKnocker THE SNAPPERS thenomad Tim Day timday timdoggart Timwat1 tithrogel 2011 tommyboyp Tony J TonyRog Topaz Trekkie Trudge.Tracey underhill walking1 WanderingSal wassock WattyShort Triggers WayneMac01 Weathereagle WillHenaghan winerwalker Woodalls outdoors Woodford Walkers wrose Wycombe Wanderer yeovilwestie yt Zara Zenabob2105 zsmith


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