Cholderton YHA 0.1m (0ft)
Summit Feature: Postcode: SP4 0EW
Phone 01980 629379
Region South West
1:50 LR 184
Beds 70
Meals YES
Self-catering kitchen NO
Classification: Yha.
OS Grid Ref: SU209423 This data is currently only accurate to a 6 figure grid reference (c.a 100m).
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UK Area: 41 - South Central England (OS Maps )
Latitude: 51.17956, Longitude: -1.70237, Height: 0.1 metres (0 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0000q- (Hill ID: 501742)
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- '0000q-' SU209423* Cholderton YHA (0m)
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Cholderton YHA's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Snoddington Hill (4.3km)Ivychurch Hill (14.9km)Chute Causeway (15.5km)Little Down (16.4km)Standlynch Down (18.0km)Picked Hill (20.6km)Berkshire-Wiltshire-Hampshire County Tri (21.9km)Ashley Down (21.9km)Fovant Down (Chiselbury) (23.9km)Inkpen Hill (24.5km)
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