Edale YHA 0.1m (0ft)
Summit Feature: Postcode: S33 7ZH
Phone 0345 371 9514
Email edale@yha.org.uk
Region East Midlands
1:50 LR 110
Beds 157
Meals YES
Self-catering kitchen YES
Classification: Yha.
OS Grid Ref: SK139865 This data is currently only accurate to a 6 figure grid reference (c.a 100m).
Click here to learn how to help improve it.
UK Area: 36 - Lancashire, Cheshire & the Southern Pennines (OS Maps )
Latitude: 53.37518, Longitude: -1.79252, Height: 0.1 metres (0 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0000n- (Hill ID: 501804)
External Links for Edale YHA:
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Edale YHA List & GPS Waypoints:
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- '0000n-' SK139865* Edale YHA (0m)
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Edale YHA's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Back Tor (1.6km)Nether Tor (2.2km)Hartshorn (2.7km)Castleton Losehill Hall YHA (3.0km)Wooler Knoll (3.3km)Haggtor (3.6km)Treak Cliff (3.7km)Rowlee Hill (4.0km)Knots (4.3km)Crook Hill South Top (4.5km)
Edale YHA's Nearby Routes...
Bamford, Castleton, Bradwell and Edale (hillybilly) Edale, Castleton, Peak Forest and Blue John Cavern - Peak Di (hillybilly) Edale Moor (Woodford Walkers)
Edale YHA has been climbed by...
Adrian Alex C amblerbob andys Archie carolje Chris Pearson chrisd101 dancingqueen101 DanHolme DanHolme1977 Dugswell2 ER Scott Gman45 IainT jimp JK jonglew lorettocourt Milton Mossylea Mountain00 nairbh oakesave Phil Newby Rhino48 RobB roryr_32 SeanyG staton75 steverowland thenomad Tony J Trudge.Tracey wassock Wycombe Wanderer
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