Langdale YHA 0.1m (0ft)
Summit Feature: Postcode: LA22 9HJ
Phone 0345 371 9748
Region North West
1:50 LR 90
Beds 97
Meals YES
Self-catering kitchen YES
Classification: Yha.
OS Grid Ref: NY338052 This data is currently only accurate to a 6 figure grid reference (c.a 100m).
Click here to learn how to help improve it.
UK Area: 34 - Lake District - Central & Western Fells (OS Maps )
Latitude: 54.43789, Longitude: -3.02215, Height: 0.1 metres (0 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 00003- (Hill ID: 501845)
External Links for Langdale YHA:
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Langdale YHA List & GPS Waypoints:
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- '00003-' NY338052* Langdale YHA (0m)
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Langdale YHA's Ten Nearest Neighbouring Hills...
Hammer Scar (0.3km)Dow Bank (0.9km)Founders Seat (1.1km)Grasmere Island (Grasmere) (1.4km)Black Mire Top (1.5km)Yew Crags (1.6km)White Moss Common (1.7km)Heron Island (Rydal Water) (2.0km)Lanty Scar NE Top (2.3km)Lang How South Top (2.4km)
Langdale YHA's Nearby Routes...
Loughrigg Fell from Slelwith Bridge (ROB PEN Y GARN) LD044: W044: T22 - Loughrigg Fell (Ronnie Bowron) 130804 Loughrigg (tomrobson) SL100 (greg_may_) 161116 Rydal Elterwater (tomrobson) Langdale Cycle Route (Phil Newby) Lakeland 50 pt3 (greg_may_)
Langdale YHA has been climbed by...
amblerbob Archie areelle Brunshaw carolje Chris Pearson chrisd101 cjo dancingqueen101 ER Scott fitzydan Gman45 iwc Jane T lorettocourt Milton nairbh nordicstar owaincaesarius Paul Boothroyd Phil Newby rhayader_wanderer RobB Ronnie Bowron SeanyG sjr140614 snaithd staton75 Summiteer Tommy Wanderer wassock
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