Bizzyberry Hill 363m (1191ft)
Summit Feature: No feature. (Survey: obvious summit)
Classification: Hump, P30 Tump, Yeaman.
OS Grid Ref: NT047393 (10 figure Grid Ref: NT0478739378).
UK Area: 28 - Firth of Forth to the River Tweed (OS Maps 1:50k 72. 1:25k 336.)
Latitude: 55.63859, Longitude: -3.51413, Height: 363 metres (1191 feet)
Prominence: 112 metres (367 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0363.p (DoBIH Hill ID: 5094)
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- '0363.p' NT047393 Bizzyberry Hill (363m, p112)
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Bizzyberry Hill has been climbed by...
agentmancuso Alex C andys Chalky1953 Colin Crawford DaveGraham Dugswell2 Fergus4paws HochMcGandy iaindbrown jonglew KennyB Lindsay M N.Morters nordicstar NormanW oakesave PM rhw robertphillips russell61 russell63 sclater Steve S stevent0809 Wycombe Wanderer
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