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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Whaley Moor (Black Hill) 411m (1348ft)

Summit Feature: No feature 2m S of wall and 10m W of wall junction. Note: ground within 5m radius is about as high.
Classification: Befour, Britfour, Clem, Ethel, Four, Hump, Peak-district-75, P30 Tump.
OS Grid Ref: SJ989821 (10 figure Grid Ref: SJ9899182135).
UK Area: 36 - Lancashire, Cheshire & the Southern Pennines (OS Maps 1:50k 109. 1:25k OL1W.)
Latitude: 53.33614, Longitude: -2.01661, Height: 411 metres (1348 feet)
Prominence: 105 metres (344 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0411.p (DoBIH Hill ID: 5330)

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Whaley Moor (Black Hill) List & GPS Waypoints:

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  • '0411.p' SJ989821 Whaley Moor (Black Hill) (411m, p105)

Member's Comments on Whaley Moor (Black Hill)...

  • Summiteer says...
  • Visited in 1979 ( and many times afterwards) during a circular walk from Disley via Sponds Hill. The top of this hill can be reached via access land to the south, which also straddles the summit. The footpath to the north, doesn't quite reach the top of the hill, but instead veers off northwards. Technically, walking between the two is trespassing, but I've never had any issues doing so, and it seems a lot of other people do the same thing. If you're a committed peak bagger, eventually you will trespass. It's just impossible to climb every top on these lists without doing so. You just try to be as responsible as possible. And if you get caught out, then politely withdraw if asked to.
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Whaley Moor (Black Hill) has been climbed by...

Adrian alan caine Alex C Alexhew amblerbob Andrew Brown andyb2706 andys Anton Barry Smith Beeliner Carole Chalky1953 Chris Pearson chrisd101 chriswatson CHUBT0007 citygent cjo ckyliu Colin Crawford Crumblie2 dancingqueen101 Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 David Evans david gradwell David Kershaw Denise Des Taylor Dugswell2 edgradwell fitzydan Foelbach gerrybowes GordonAdshead GPH1011 HenryHooverOnTour Hippster hmarston iaindbrown IainT IainT2 iwc JK joelrobinson27 jonglew KevPalmer ManofKernow Margaret Martin Whiteley moorsman ngthack nordicstar oakesave Old Bald Man Paul Boothroyd PeterD PGCE PM PShrub Rafiki rhw Ronnie Bowron SeanyG shaun3010 Sprog staton75 stevent0809 steverowland stuvicks Summiteer summitsup thenomad Timwat1 Weathereagle Woodford Walkers Wycombe Wanderer Zenabob2105


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