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All Details & GPS Waypoint

Plover Hill 679.9m (2230ft)

Summit Feature: Two small stones. Note: very flat summit area. (Survey: Abney level/Leica RX1250)
Classification: Bridge, Bishop, Buxton-lewis, Docharty, Elmslie, Falkingham, Hewitt, Marsh, Moss, Moss2000, Nuttall, Raistrick, Simm, P30 Tump, Wright.
OS Grid Ref: SD849752 (10 figure Grid Ref: SD8492575206).
UK Area: 35 - The Central Pennines (OS Maps 1:50k 98. 1:25k OL2W,OL30S.)
Latitude: 54.17243, Longitude: -2.23243, Height: 679.9 metres (2230 feet)
Prominence: 59 metres (194 feet)
Unique Waypoint POI Name: 0680.H (DoBIH Hill ID: 2785)

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Member's Comments on Plover Hill...

  • WayneMac01 says...
  • Started from Horton and bagged the trig on Pen y Ghent and over the N Ridge to Plover Hill
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Plover Hill has been climbed by...

Adam Smith adoling Adrian Adrian Cunliffe agentmancuso alan caine Alex C amblerbob Andrew Beavers Andrew Brown AndyMoon andys Anton Archie b20pjg BadNewsWalking bern bigalga1 BigPinno Bill Outdoors bramley bravozulu Brunshaw Carole carolje Chalky1953 charlesc Cheshire Claret Chicki Chris Pearson Chrisfry35 ChrisJB chriswatson citygent cjo clivenme Colin Crawford cpjmathieson Crumblie2 dan Dangerous Dave DanHolme DanHolme1977 DanTrig darren-mountains dave.farrant DaveS david gradwell davro33 DeeGee Denise Des Taylor Douglas Dugswell2 edgradwell eigerman emmatabitha Ericthewanderer Exe-Eagle FailedTheTuringTest fitzydan flippsy Foelbach gedc GeoffC Georgie gerrybowes Gina Gman45 godspeedjon77 GordonAdshead grumpytyke Haydn Davies hillbasher hillhiker1 HillmanImp Howie iaindbrown IainT IainT2 Ian Baines iwardle iwc jackfowler jamesmichaelforrest jan/steve Jane T jd22529 jeff Jim.Fothergill jimgrant500 jimp JohnC johnevenden Johnny2503 johnpat Jolly Jack Dusty jonglew jospee JSB KARLBARNES Kaye.c kcol Keith Allen kev309 KJB kjmcdon1 lazeedaydream Les Arcs Liz_N lonesome_cowboy_burt lorettocourt Mac.Hawk malky_c Margaret Mark Gelder MarkCarr203 matt80097 meghouse Mick Taylor mickpb midgebait MikeG Moore100 moorsman msh7995 ngthack Nick Down Nick Wakelam Nigel Moscardini nigelm ninthace nordicstar oakesave osian outlawcatcher OwainG painterman Parlick Pat1967 Paul Boothroyd Peebs PeteBoggs Peter Smith PeterD PGCE Phil Marsden Phil Newby PhilClayton Philip Rhayader PJ Yue pjleeds polly psychocrawler RCPugh rhalstead rhayader_wanderer rhw Rhys Thomas Richard Gunn richhar1 ROB PEN Y GARN RobB robertphillips rockdoctor Ronnie Bowron Rowan.Chesmer Rusty SeanyG shaun3010 slateloose snaithd Sprog staton75 steve glasper Steve S steve&gill stevedixon stevent0809 steverowland StigoftheNest stravaiger2011 Summiteer summitsup supertrampz Ted Richards The RockKnocker thenomad Thermal_Vest&SPF50 tomrobson TonyRog tryfan tundraboy umksj UncleChrisEccles underhill valve5425 vicksey22 Wadey1973 walking1 wayne23 WayneMac01 Wycombe Wanderer yt Zara


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